Greater is what most people are seeking at the start of the New Year. We review the year that has passed, feel joy for our accomplishments, and consider how to get fulfillment in uncompleted works. We use our age, education, experiences, current situation, future goals to determine what we can and cannot do—but the only thing that holds us back is ourselves. Through God’s mercy, grace (and favor), greater is already in us. We just need to follow the ways of Our Lord for the wisdom, faith, strength and character to see it, be it, live it—day, after day, after day. We’ll never be perfect, but we can do our best to be more like Christ each and every day.
God has something special in store for all of us. His promises were made years ago but cover us yesterday, today and tomorrow. He promises to strengthen us; to give us rest; to take care of all our needs; to answer our prayers; to work everything out for our good; to be with us; to protect us. He promises us freedom from sin. He promises that nothing can separate us from Him. He promises us everlasting life. He has done His work. Now it’s up to us to walk the walk. Whether your faith is on a novice or experienced level, use this year to go deeper in your relationship with God, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit.
Seek God’s vision and voice. Start your day in repentance and prayer. Pray as needed throughout the day, (include prayers of thankfulness). You’ll be surprised how your prayers develop your relationship with God, and will provide peace, clarity, calm and comfort in all that you do.
Greater is coming for you. Get ready.
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Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:6-7
Rev. Linda J. Ivey, MSW is the founder of Your Destiny is Here, Inc. The Mission of Your Destiny is Here, Inc. is to teach, preach and reach everyone who has a desire for greater. To that end, Your Destiny Is Here, Inc. is dedicated to working with individuals within our communities to help them prioritize their goals, examine their strengths, eliminate their challenges, and link them with resources that offer new pathways to unlimited potential towards their divine purpose; their goal of “Greater”.
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