Your Destiny is Here, Inc. is building a foundation that highlights, respects, benefits, encourages, and supports our community, its people and events—with the absolute goal of bringing us all closer to God. We have identified nine projects to pursue that will assist us in reaching our goal. They are: Artistic Development; Community-based Health & Nutrition; Fundraising to Support Financial Stipends; Helping Women & Children in Crisis; Peace on the Streets; Recovery Ministry/Programs; Small Business Development; and Urban Ministry/Bringing Christ to The Community.
As the Advocacy Projects develop and progress, we will use this space to identify what we’re doing and how you can be a part of our community. We’ll also provide you an opportunity to share what you’re doing as well.
1. Artistic Development
Highlighting and supporting people and events that promote creative artistry forms such as painting, acting, spoken word, singing, television, radio, and social media.
2. Community-based Health & Nutrition
Highlighting and supporting people and events that promote healthy eating and lifestyles.
3. Fundraising to Support Financial Stipends
Identifying creative Ideas to generate funds to support Your Destiny is Here, Inc. activities.
4. Helping Women & Children in Crisis
Highlighting and supporting people and events that promote outreach services to individuals and families experiencing a personal crisis.
5. Peace on the Streets
Highlighting and supporting people and events that promote positive community engagement.
6. Recovery Ministry/Programs
Highlighting and supporting people and events that promote positive connections within the recovery community.
7. Small Business Development
Highlighting and supporting people and events that promote business start-ups for Women, Recovering, and Returning Citizens.
8. Urban Ministry / Bringing Christ to The Community
Highlighting and supporting people and events that specifically promote Christ in the community.
To contact us regarding any of the above Advocacy Projects click the button below.