Sylvia Ford-George is the Lead for YDH's Fundraising to Support Financial Stipends Advocacy Project.
Following is the featured Destiny Spotlight interview provided in our May 2021 newsletter, which was a nod to Mother’s Day.
Sylvia Ford-George believes that destiny is something that happens to us. My destiny is being a mom, it’s who I am at my core. Despite, my “profession” as a Project Coordinator, Webmaster, Family Reunion Enthusiast, and an Entrepreneur, being a mom is my most valuable assignment.
Destiny and motherhood are alike because you don’t always know what’s in store for you or how things will turn out. As a young girl I didn’t know when it would happen, but I knew I wanted to be a mother. While, I always wanted multiple children, I only had one wonderful son, Michael. I didn’t know how to “plan” for having a child or motherhood, but once Michael was born, I made him my priority, by doing everything I could to ensure he would become an amazing young man. Unfortunately, just as it seemed Michael was coming into his own, developing a strong Christian walk, with good friends, and a good job, he passed away. Michael reached his destiny, but I was left to try to figure out my destiny, since there was nothing more for me to do with or for my Michael.
After Michael passed, I remember waking up to the announcement it was National Mother & Sons’ Day. I started to fall apart thinking I would never be able to celebrate that day again. Then I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Michael will always be your son.” I began to feel grateful for the time we had together, rather than feeling embittered by thinking of the days spent apart. Hearing from God, remembering how much Michael loved the Lord and that he was in a better place, empowered me to celebrate National Mother & Sons’ day that year.
To all those who have lost a child, when it comes to Mother’s Day, lean on your faith and trust in God. Allow God to redirect your focus in order to cherish and enjoy the time you had with your child. Appreciate how they are now in a place higher than what this world has to offer and are spending eternity with their heavenly Father who will love them far better than we ever could love them.
Mothers understand, the journey of motherhood is always evolving. While an infant’s needs are more demanding than when they become older, there’s still lots of nurturing, teaching, training, and loving that’s needed. Mothering is having our end results produce self-sufficient young adults.
Motherhood and raising children is filled with obstacles. Our careers can be obstacles if they keep us away too long. Our children’s friends can be obstacles if our children are followers and have never learned right from wrong, or to think for themselves. Divorce can be an obstacle when we as parents use our children as points of contention. Motherhood means being diligent, ready to meet each problem head-on, and finding the best paths that overcome all difficulties. It ain’t always pretty, convenient, or easy, but as a mom, it’s our destiny to get it done.
Maybe you haven’t realized your destiny. You may try to run and hide from it, ignore it, or try to change it. However, your destiny will happen—no matter what. We need to be prepared so we can enjoy it. The choices we make on our journey’s path is something we can control and will help us no matter what comes our way. Our journey will have crossroads filled with bumps, and bruises, happiness, joy, and eventually fulfillment. We decide the kind of person we will become, the type of life we want to enjoy, and how Christlike we want to live. Our decisions will influence how helpful we’ll be to our families, friends, and mankind.
Finally, to young mothers, I advise you to give your children your time, energy, and love. Teach them to be respectful of others by your demonstrating respect towards them. Talk with your children as well as playing with them. Scold them when necessary and don’t spare the rod but do no harm. Enjoy them and don’t waste time because childhood goes by so quickly. Happy Mother’s Day.